May 26, 2014


Hello 2014..

....only now I know that I can use my smartphone for mobile blogging..which means another method of publishing to a website from a mobile now I can post a write-ups directly from my phones even when on the!

Btw, my last post was abt my wedding timeline part 1..6 mnths till my wedding wedding date is on the dh almost 2 yrs tak blog..haruslah bnyk benda nak update..tu pn klu ade masa hehehee..

Alhamdulillah saya telah sah menjadi  seorang isteri kepada suami saya , Mohammad Khairul Anuar dan seorang ibu kepada Khaer Muzafhar..😆

...and about all my photos previously saya upload dekat my blog semua dh 'ter' smue tak sengaja..hrtu saya ade perasan semua pics yg upload dekat blog ade dlm takut phone punya memory low so I decided to delete everything..tak tau pulak when I deleted those photos it will effect my blog hehhee...but u still can enjoy my write-up tanpa gambar..geee~~


June 5, 2011

Wedding Timeline Part 1

Just to share with u guys..insyaAllah i'll be married in 6 months from now..6 mnths??..emm..mcm lama lagi ke?hahaha..based on the wedding timeline,below are some basics list-to-do before your wedding day..let see what i've so far prepare..hurmmmm..hahaa..dup dap dup dap~~


  • Be organized! Get yourself a planner to keep track of all your wedding details-DONE
  • Decide on style of your wedding,i.e.formal, informal, approximate amount of guests-DONE
  • Decide on approximate budget and who pays for what-DONE
  • Choose reception site-DONE
  • Select a wedding date-DONE
  • Select wedding attendants, best man, maid of honor etc-DONE
  • Secure a Caterer for your reception-DONE
  • Think about color schemes for solemnization and reception-DONE
  • Select Photographer-DONE
  • Select Videographer-DONE
  • Discuss Honeymoon locations. Visit your travel agent. Get brochures.
  • Start shopping for wedding dress and bridesmaid’s dresses  
    • Select wedding dress. Set dates for fittings.
    • Select Bridesmaids’ dresses.
    • Start working on guest lists: Bride’s family, Groom’s family, the Bride & Groom’s list.
    Ermmm...10 out of 15..hahahaaa...hows dat!?

    Selamat Datang ke Kelantan

    hehehee..kawe nak kecek kelate dok pehe lah sgt..kalu dengar ore2 kelate mau kene gelak dengar kawe kecek..hehehee..memandangkan teman hidup ore kelate..kene lah belajar sikit2..heeeheee...rsnye dah lama sgt tak pergi kelantan kot..last time pergi masa standard 2..lama sgt dh tu..hehehe..mmg dh lama niat nak pergi menziarahi bakal mak mertua di sbb masing2 bz tu yang kali ni Alhamdulillah niat tercapai..hehehee..ktorng decide nak balik ramai2 so dat journey tu tak boring lh maklumlah nak balik kelantan tu perjalanan sgtlah jauh..dalam 5-6 jam..kawe ni asal duduk dlm kete lama sket mst tido punya..hehehee..n terbukti mmg tido pun sepanjang perjalanan..hehehehee..

    ktorng balik berempat satu kereta..bertolak pagi dalam pukul 9 pagi..sampai dalam pukul 2 ptg..sbb org yg bwk kete tu ala2 drifter lah jugak..hahaha..sepanjang perjalanan ktorng mmg tak berhenti langsung..berhenti nak pergi toilet di Gua Musang je..:) jalan ke kelantan mmg tak de highway..ade highway pun sampai raub kot..hehee..lepas tu mmg jalan kampung..nasib lah time tu bukan raya or cuti jalan masih lengang lagi..but still ada satu lane je..buatnye klu ade lori pasir or lori minyak..mmg buat jalan tu terpaksa lah main potong memotong..mmg cuak bg org yg org yg dh biasa..mmg dihujung kaki je nk tekan minyak&break..hehehee...

    setibanya di kelantan memang terus pergi umah bakal mak mertua..nak makan lunch..lapar sgt..eheheh..hari pertama mmg tak jalan sgt sbb masih lepak dirumah je..mlm tu pulak en.tunang buat celebration utk birthday anak ktorng mkn satay,cake dan yg sewaktu dengannye..:) besoknye mmg ktorng decide nak keluar awal pagi sbb nak pegi jalan2..:)

    happy Beday kakak!:)
    hari kedua di kelantan ktorng mmg bgn pagi2 coz plan nak pergi rantau panjang ngn tanya nak jalan mana kat kelantan..bila jawab golok je smue gelak..hehehe..sebelum pegi golok ktorng singgah makan kat Restaurant Ulam dekat dengan Istana..memang semua pun ulam n lauk kampung..emmm..kawe ni xde lah mkn ulam sgt..dlm banyak2 lauk tu..kawe makan lauk hati ayam, ikan patin dengan ayam kampung..hahahaaa...lepas dh makan..ktorng pn start perjalanan ke golok..ambil masa dalam sejam dua jugak..sebelum masuk golok ktorng singgah solat di mesjid ala2 beijing..hehehee

    Mesjid Beijing
    Mesjid Beijing

     sampai je kat Golok macam biasa lah kene g imegresen nak cop pasport semua tu..nak g golok ni ade 2 cara..pakai sampan or drive masuk sana..ktorng mmg drive lah masuk sana..hehehe..n utk check in org2 yg IC kelantan dengan terengganu n mana2 area pantai timur,drg ade dua pilihan samada nak guna pasport or ala2 boarding pass..nsblah kawe bwk pasport..hehehee..kesimpulan die guna boarding pass lg cepat dr check in guna passport..huhuhu

    sampai2 je golok mmg nak cari kacang gajus, jeruk and macam2 lagi yang lain tu drg looking forward nak makan pulut pauh@pulut mangga..n ms kat golok tu tak bnyk kedai bukak n town die pun x bz sgt coz time ktorng pegi tu hari kat sana mmg xmkn ape lah cuma cr pulut pauh je..n beli makanan2 nak bwk balik KL..:) cari punya cari barulah jumpe pulut pauh n org yg jual tu org islam..susah nak cari makan kat was2 je..huhuuhh

    Pulut Pauh@Pulut Mangga
    to be continued...

    June 4, 2011

    Pre-Wedding Photoshoot

    hurmmm..where to start?hihih..still in the process of getting the blogging mood..maybe i wud start with my Pre-Wedding Photoshoot..:) disebabkan masing-masing gatal and teringin nak photoshoot, we decided to take some pictures for our so called Pre-Wedding day..:) because both of us busy with our daily work..we are thinking of having a simple photoshoot..we kinda fell in love with the scenery and the good environment.. sebenarnye berbelah bagi samada nak buat di Bukit Cerakah or FRIM..sebulan jugak refer to our photographer most of the area at Bukit Cerakah is under tak banyak tempat yang chantek..:) and nak pergi dari one place to another mcm susah coz the distance is quite kene naik van and such..fikir punya fikir ktorng pun decidelah buat dekat FRIM je..senang..dekat pun dekat plus dekat sana bnyk angle2 yang chantek..i think so,here are some of the pictures..enjoy..weeeee~~

    Photographer : Khairul Hakimin (LoveStoryTeller)
    Model : MoKA & MBS
    Theme :
    Prop: H2O love baloon, Cardboard & Mom's Fake Flowers

    May 20, 2011

    its be a loooonggg timeee!hahaaa

    yes!been a looong time..last update was on the month of its already May..end of May..hahaaa...utk Puan Nurul Mujahidah..kte try to update my blog slowly k since u request me to update my blog kan..winduu eh? afraid once i start updating my blog..nnt mcm addicted..hahaha..but dats wut professional blogger feel kan?ok..c ya..soon!reallyy soon..:)

    February 25, 2011

    Appreciate What You Have Now

    yup..its been awhile..:) actually i had a tough day this week..i was injured while playing badminton..sprained ankle ok!..hehee..honestly speaking it was funny yet it is hurt...but dun worry..everything will be just fine..i went to see a doctor and they gave me pills to make sure it is ok..:) the most important part is..i got 2 days MC due to the injury..weehooo!..hehehe.. now Alhamdulillah is getting better..only had bruises on the leg..

    So, what is the relationship between this story and my title..emmm..what i really want to say is..appreciate what u have now..really mean it..have u ever ask yourself..what life is all about..?? everyone who entitles to their own opinion agrees on something me, life is something precious given to us to live in such a short period of time...whatever it is we do, whomever we let come into our lives is what and how we make it precious...but sometimes we have that empty feeling, that empty space that we need to fill in...either if it's just an empty piece of the puzzle, or a hole to fill into our heart....sometimes that one thing comes sooner than later, or vice versa..

    We do not know whether what we have now will last forever..only Allah swt knows what will happen to us today, tomorrow and the day after and after..Normally, people often focus on what they want, and not on what they already sometimes may lead you to take things for granted..Rather than thinking of what you wish you could have, why not first take some time to reflect on what you have right now? Express gratitude for everything you have in your life...Once you can acknowledge and be thankful for what you have, then you can move on to ask for more..So,take time to appreciate what u have now..your life, your family, your loved once..Humans' main reason of being unhappy is that we always are not satisfied with what blessings we have , in order to be satisfied we have to appreciate more what Allah swt gave us..feel free to be happy and enjoy your life to the fullest!

    February 21, 2011

    How To Overcome the Monday Blues.sigh!

    1.  To overcome the Monday blues, plan ahead for what you want to get out of the Monday. If you have a set goal, this will be an incentive to get out of bed, and head to work. When you have something exciting planned out for the week, you will look forward to Monday.
    2. Wear a nice color that will uplift your spirit. Different colors have different effects on each individual. If you find that red makes you feel happier, then wear something red to work on Mondays.
    3. Mondays can be fun, if you have exciting news to share with your friends. Things sometimes happens over the weekend, that you usually want to share with your friends. This can get you in the mood for Mondays.
    4. When you wake up, embrace the day, remember that it is not going to last forever. If you keep a positive attitude throughout the day, it will go much faster and you won't have to endure the Monday blues.